BlueCielo Kronodoc 2012 Quick Start | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

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Understanding the navigation pane

The Kronodoc navigation pane is shown in the following figure. Workspace folders are organized in a hierarchical tree structure that consists of a root folder and subfolders. Each workspace can have multiple root folders and they can contain multiple subfolders. The detail pane is always synchronized with the navigation pane. The parent folder location in the tree browser is always displayed. Also, the folder tree is dynamically calculated and updated as folders or documents are created or imported.

The following table describes the features of the navigation pane and refers to other topics that describe the features in more detail.

Features of the navigation pane
Number Name Description


Folder tree toggle

Click to hide or show the folder tree.


Root folder list

Select a different root folder to show in the folder tree. Select View as root to show the folder tree with the selected folder as the root of the tree.


Folder tree

Select a folder to show its contents in the detail pane.


Shortcut list

Click an item to view its property page. You may also open a checked-out file or check it in by clicking Check-in next to the file name. For more information about checking out and checking in files, see Checking out files and Checking in files.

Each shortcut list holds your 10 most recently accessed items from all workspaces. Items are removed from the shortcut lists if they are deleted from the workspace.


My recent items

Shows shortcut lists of your most recently accessed items: Checked out, Files, Documents, and Folders.


My recent items toggle

Click to show or hide the My recent items lists.


Shortcut list toggle

Click to show or hide the corresponding list of shortcuts.

The following table describes the various icons shown in the folder tree.

Icon Description


Contains documents

Empty, but subfolders in the next level contain documents

Frozen and cannot be modified

Click to show subfolders.

Subfolder contents are in view but the subfolder's parent folder is closed.

Click to hide subfolders.

Related concepts

Understanding the user interface

Understanding the What's new view

Related tasks

Logging on and logging off

Related information

Understanding the icons

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